



当院を受診希望の外国人の方へ(海外在住の方) Information for foreigners(For non-Japanese people from Overseas)



At Shinseikai Toyama Hospital, all care for patients who have neither nationality of Japan nor Japanese health insurance qualification is charged at a rate of 20 yen per one medical remuneration point from April 1st, 2019.

健康保険証をお持ちでない方は、受付時に写真付きの身分証明書(在留カード、パスポー トなど)を確認させていただくことがあります。

For those without a valid Japanese health insurance card, we may ask to show identify confirmation document with your photo (a resident card, passport, etc.) at the reception counter.


For tourists / temporary visitors: If you are covered by an overseas (or travel) medical insurance plan, please show us the insurance certificate.


* We will confirm your identification card in order to avoid the major incident of misidentifying a patient and to make a statistical data to report nationalities and languages that are used as a hospital that is certified for accepting foreign patients. We ask for your understanding and cooperation.


* If you have any concerns about medical expense payment, please contact us in advance.

外国人の方の診療に関する相談窓口: 国際医療支援室

If you have any questions about consultation, please feel free to contact our International Medical Support Office.


【利用可能なクレジットカード Available Credit Card】


For any inquiries regarding your payment, please contact the Medical Affairs Division.


* Credit cards are not accepted on Sundays and National Holidays, at night, and outside of normal consultation hours.



【About Medical Interpreter】
If you are non- or limited Japanese proficiency, you will need to be accompanied by a medical interpreter whenever you visit our hospital so that we can provide safe medical care . We also have a language support system to provide medical interpreting service for patients. However, we kindly ask for your understanding as they may be unavailable depending on the hours or on languages.

□通訳形態: https://www.shinseikai.jp/guideline/jmip.html
